New York Fashion Week - Phillip Lim 3.1

This woman and her handsome man-friend (who will be posted later next week) were walking around Lincoln Center handing out something called the Phillip Lim Daily. They both looked amazing, as evidenced in part by this photo.

This outfit is basically a beautifully rendered version of something I might have worn in 5th grade. The white turtle neck, awkward green buckle shoes, and graphic tshirt mixed with the tweed. Weird and lovely.
That's Phillip Lim for you in a nutshell.

Also note, if you're a brand and you want your clothes photographed by street style photographers here is a step-by-step guide.

1. Find someone beautiful.
2. If you're a hot designer dress them in your clothes. If you're not a hot designer dress them in someone else's clothes and have them carry around a tote bag with your brand stamped on it.
3. Set them loose in Lincoln Center during fashion week.
4. The end.

New York Fashion Week - Garance Doré

New York Fashion Week - Tavi Gevinson