Height of Fashion Fundraiser for Sole Survivor

Our Height of Fashion Fundraiser for the film Sole Survivor at the Dana Hotel last week was so much fun. Tons of stylish people turned out to eat delicious bits from Farmhouse, drink brews from Magic Hat, and admire and devour sweet treats from Coco Mori.

Clockwise from the left :
1. Dapper gent in a straw hat and seersucker suit.
2. Marcus Riley, Kate Jacobsen, and Ryan Beshel
3. My fellow co-hosts Maria Pinto and Tammy Kohl
4. Director Ky Dickens and Producer Amy McIntyre
5. Anna Marevska of Fashion Files Magazine
6. Cocomori really hooked it up with this lovely cake pop tree
Kelsey Kreiling looks divine in bright summer colors and Ryan Beshel, PR Director at the 900 Shops strikes a pose.

Redgi Woods is a stylist and fashion designer located in Chicago.

Chicago Street Fashion - Visionary

Chicago Street Fashion - Avec Bianca