New Store on the Block: Oliver Peoples Comes to Chicago

Last night Oliver Peoples celebrated their Rush store Boutique opening with cocktails, comically small and delicious bites, and music.
Founder Larry Leight was on hand presiding over the festivities and looking handsome in the iconic Oliver Peoples Bendedict 59 sunglasses. April Francis did a great interview with Larry  focused around American Psycho, Brett Easton Ellis's seminal work. Read it on the Haute Closet.
Chic mama in her Valentinos, hanging outside on a sidewalk chalk mural created for the opening.

I of course couldn't help myself from dragging all the fabulously decked out party goers onto the street outside the store for a little Chicago
street style action. That alley was made for street fashion!
Check out more party photos on Facebook.

Chicago Street Style: Jessica

Chicago Street Style: Samantha