Takashi Murakami at the MCA
Happy Birthday Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago! You don't look a day over 49 :) I got the chance to attend ArtEdge 50 this weekend, the long-anticipated anniversary event that marks the MCA’s 50th year and celebrates the opening of Takashi Murakami: the Octopus Eats Its Own Leg.
The master Murakami was on hand sporting an enchanting plush octopus hat, custom matching suit and of course he brought a long his wack-a-doodle friend the octopus.
David Syrek, Fashion Director of the Chicago Tribune
Isa Giallorenzo founder of the fabulous street style blog Chicago Looks
Omar Kholeif Manilow Senior Curator MCA and friend.
Takashi Murakami, the man himself with his pal the octopus.