Meagan of Latterstyle

Meagan of Latterstyle

Meagan and I met up this weekend for delicious salted caramel coffee at

Atomix Cafe

and then we went thrift shopping at

Very Best Vintage

. Aside from being a great latte and thrifting buddy, Meagan has a most excellent fashion blog called 



If you haven't already checked out Meagan's site, clickety clack on over. She will renew your faith in the personal style genre. Meagan posts pictures of herself in weird/awesome outfits (that don't want to make you slit your wrists) writes thoughtfully about interesting designers and goes to cool shows and gives us her two cents.

Ok, now can we talk about this amazing ensemble Meagan is wearing. The over-sized leather blazer is oddly delicious with the long slim silhouette. Her friend Amanda of

Goo Blog

made the sweater she's wearing,

which you can get a better look at here

. Also her iridescent doc martens are super duper.

Nicole Warne of Gary Pepper Vintage

Nicole Warne of Gary Pepper Vintage

Stylist Jessica Moazami

Stylist Jessica Moazami