Rebecca of The Clothes Horse

Rebecca of The Clothes Horse

It's hard to believe this will be my last regular street style post of the year, although this photo is far from "regular". It's the lovely Rebecca, founder of

The Clothes Horse

, a blog that is equal parts fashion musings and personal style diary. Her sense of style is truly unique and the beautiful natural backgrounds around her home in Pennsylvania are stunning. My favorite things about The Clothes Horse is her photography, which she takes herself with the help of a tripod (of course!).

I took this photo of Rebecca back in September during fashion week. Because her photos are almost exclusively shot in rural backgrounds I think it's kind of exciting to see her in a city. If you're not familiar with The Clothes Horse or have not visited in a while,

clickity clack on over and have a look.

My Favorite Street Style Photos of 2012

My Favorite Street Style Photos of 2012

Designer Spotlight - King Onye

Designer Spotlight - King Onye