Fullosophie Workshops
I had the pleasure of attending a day of creative learning last Saturday thanks to Fullosophie - a company dedicated to allowing regular folks like you and me a chance to get to know craft makers through intimate, hands-on workshops. In the morning we sipped mimosas and learned all about counters, ascenders and nibs with Jenna Blazevich a talented Calligrapher and teacher. In the afternoon we got to try our hand at wreath making with guidance from the lovely Heidi Joynt and Molly Kobelt of the sustainable flower companyField and Florist
Part of the fun of the day was getting to spend time
gorgeous production studio where the workshops were held. Thanks
for a wonderful and enriching day. You can still
sign up for Fullosophie's second calligraphy
workshop this Thursday December 4th which is being held in another great space at Heritage Littles, 2868 N. Lincoln Ave.