Nasty Women Unite

Nasty Women Unite

This week has been a real roller coaster of emotion. From the elation of election day when I  got to cast a vote for the first female presidential candidate in American History to the shock and horror later that evening when the polls started coming in. The day after the election, through the tears, bottles of wine and stress eating I started to plan a solidarity walk through my neighborhood, something that I initially thought would be good for me and my neighbors to just process what happened, amazingly more than 200 people showed up! We also attended a rally on Saturday where I ran into this incredible woman. 

If you feel overwhelmed and powerless, shake it off and consider doing one of the followinng:

1. Volunteer. Choose a cause that you are passionate about and donate your skills or time. Volunteer Match is an excellent resource to find opportunities in your area.

2.  Donate money to the ACLU. They will be fighting countless battles over the next four years to defend our civil liberties and reproductive rights. 

3. Listen. It's easy to avoid having conversations with your Uncle Bob or that friend on facebook but now more than ever it's important to keep a dialogue open with those that we don't agree with instead of completely shutting them out. 

4. Make your voice heard at a rally or protest. I will be attending the Women's March on Washington and so should you! 



Carolina Mariana Rodriguez

Carolina Mariana Rodriguez

Vincent Martell

Vincent Martell