Pitchfork Music Festival #WearOrange

Pitchfork Music Festival #WearOrange

The Pitchfork Music Festival is this weekend! And as part of their Beats Over Bullets initiative the festival has partnered with Everytown for Gun Safety and Mothers Against Senseless Killings (MASK)  

Hadiya Pendleton was 15 years old when she was shot and killed in Chicago, just days after performing in President Obama’s second inaugural parade. To honor her life, Hadiya’s friends and family began wearing orange, the color that hunters wear to protect themselves in the woods. That simple act has become the cornerstone of a movement. The festival is inviting fans and artists playing the Festival to join in and #WearOrange in solidarity with Hadiya's family and the cause to end gun violence. 

So, I know what I'll be wearing to the weekend. I'll be at Union Park throughout the fest capturing the style of the P4k with a special focus on orange ensembles. To get you in the mood I've put together a few orange looks from festivals past...

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